The world we live in is a world of mystery. Talking about the world we live in extensively, can take forever. It is beautiful but not always easy, it has problems but they have to be faced with courage.
Life is full of joy, success and comfort punctuated, in contrast, by defeat, failures and problems. There is no human being on earth, strong, powerful wise or rich who has not experienced struggle, failure or suffering.
The world is a place where people treat others differently; racism, nepotism, favouritism exists as well as bullying. People tend to say bad stuff behind each other’s back.
There are millions of people using horrible words to describe others. Life is not easy in my own view, sometimes all I want to do is sit alone and question myself. Am I ugly as people say? Why don’t I have friends? What do I look like in the eyes of others?. The world is full of wickedness, hatred, ungodliness and unholy people.
People don’t wait for God’s time and God’s time is always the best, they don’t want to work, they want to get rich quick. We see different scenarios on social media everyday. Humans stoop low to steal girls’ pants for money, children using their parents for rituals and so on. People are now doing anything to get money, no matter what it cost them,they want money by all means. And they are not worried about the consequences. They don’t even have the fear of God in them, That’s why the bible says the heart of man is desperately wicked.
Back in the olden days, there was peace and harmony, people don’t close their doors when they want to sleep but nowadays, one cannot sleep without closing one’s door because insecurity is the order or the modern world.
Before, there is what we call folktales at night but now, once it’s late anything can happen, guys might rape girl’s, it gives kidnappers an opportunity to kidnap.
Also, the world is a learning ground we learn from everyday, whatever we give to the world, it gives it back to us, and those without value to offer, suffer. Whatsoever one sow. One cannot sow maize and expect cocoa, it is not possible.
This world we are in, is full of competition, and if we are not wise enough, we can choose to be poor. Poverty is a choice. Life is the most difficult exam many people fail because they try to copy others not realizing everyone has a different question paper. We came to this world empty handed and no one is going back with something. This is something humans fail to understand, and the bible says; “my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”. No doubt life is beautiful but one should be ready to face adversity and challenges. A person who has not encountered difficulties in life can never achieve success. Difficulties test the courage, patience, perseverance and character of every human being. There is also no doubt that there is no gain without pain.
When one toils and sweats, success is nourished and sustained. Success never comes easy, we got to toil for it.