In the lifespan of human, transformation occurs from foetus to the adulthood of each individual. From childhood, initiations and thoughts emerges from within the mind of a person via the use of his senses which brings information through sight, sound, instinct or touch. In each stage and phase, one encounters different personalities and challenges in which one ought to know how to handle them skillfully i.e. one must know how to express oneself respectively, otherwise, a problem of “self-esteem” can take charge, then a feeling of regret and emotional dissatisfaction comes in. I remembered my Primary school days when I am always quiet because I’m not good at solving mathematics, and spelling. I find it difficult to express my feelings most especially to my teachers… I am very much better now, though.
Every stage of human life is important, from the childhood to the adulthood, but then the most important stage is the pre-teenage hood, the teenage hood (adolescence) and the adulthood, whereby one acquires different skills. One must learn how to, and know how to practice what is called a self-worth, self-value or self-esteem as majorly known. I learnt it, knew it, and then practised it… In this, one can express one’s feeling without an attitude of fidgety or shyness. Why? It is so because there is a precise understanding of one’s value, and the value of what one expresses. Self-worth actually comes in the way at which one interacts in the society, and this begins from a casual conversation between two or more people. It is important to know that no gathering is too small, especially where ideas and notions are exchanged.
What exactly is Self-esteem? Self-esteem is an exhibition of certainty from within oneself to others. Better still, it is an expression of confidence in oneself. It shows worth and value. Perhaps, some might have taken self-esteem as being proud or being arrogant, but I will disagree to such disposition, rather I will call it ‘a healthy living’ whereby the mind is not tampered with emotionally. That is to say, the mind is able to process information, and present it as it ought to be with confidence. The above assumption can exist due to the fact that these individuals might be suffering from low self-esteem, then they feel inferior to those of the opposite. Why not sort the problem here, instead of having wrong assumptions? First of all remove the bogey in your eyes before trying to help someone else…
Many individuals in the world today, are suffering from low self-esteem (lack of self-esteem) which might have made them deprived of some achievements. Low self-esteem can be caused by various reasons, such as: misevaluation of oneself, relationship problem, fear of judgment, low resilience, negative feeling, lackadaisical self-care, timidity, self-harming behavior, and more. Actually all of the above mention will not just occur on a spur, rather, they would have been in existence right from childhood, then aggravates into the teenage hood, but since there was no cognizance of such, or lack of mentorship, it becomes a monster that torments one’s adulthood. It is known that adulthood begins from age 18, and there is saying ‘a fool at 18 is a fool forever.’ The challenge of low self-esteem can still be remedied at adulthood, infact it is a bonus, because one is now mature mentally and emotionally, except if one has refuse to learn.
Thus, I would suggest to the citizenry, or anyone who might be suffering from low self-esteem to do a check-up i.e. to check which area one might be lagging behind in expressing oneself (in relating with different individuals, or a group of people (in a gathering)). As a matter of fact, Low self-esteem has also led to depression. However, the victims might have chosen drug abuse as an option, with the mindset that such would relief them of their distress, whereas, it has accumulated to health issue or disorder. Therefore, this would let me say that a conversation with the Doctor can help solve 50% of the problem. Recall that I said that Self-esteem can be learnt, can be known, and should be practiced. So in tandem with the earlier said, cognizance and awareness of one’s environment and association, can also help to solve the problem, such that they are not elements that would worsen the situation, rather transform one to a better person. My final suggestion to these victims is to try to exercise control on negative emotions like; anger, hatred, envy, jealousy or feeling of inferiority, whether because they were unable to meet up with a particular standard, rather they should be able to admit to their mistakes if there is any, take to corrections, then learn new things as a bonus to their physical and mental development.
To sum it up, practising self-esteem is a healthy living, while lack of self-esteem is an unhealthy living. One should be able to stand, speak, and express oneself confidently, wherever one finds oneself.
Fakunmoju Oluwalonimi Janet, is a 200level Student/ LASU 200321072, Department of English.